Most of my friends know, but not everyone, that I am a very 'domesticated' woman. I love cooking and baking, decorating and hosting, I even like cleaning when I am in the mood for it. I want to start a list of household tips I have learned, used and feel would benefit everyone. A lot of my friends are at a point where they are moving out of their parents homes and starting their own lives and for all my friends who do already live in the real world maybe there is a tip that could help them out. So if you have any tips/ tricks or trades that you would like to share with me, let me know and I'll add them to the list.
Household Tip #1 - Removing Gnats
So you left something on the counter too long or have something really smelly sitting in your trash and now you have gnats. At first it only seems like a few, but even after removing the smell/ trash out of your house they still seems to be around. Here is a sure fire way to get rid of them.
Gather the following things:
An Empty Jar
Apple Vinegar
Paper or Card Stock

Cut and tape a funnel out of the paper or card stock, leave a small enough hole so that the gnats can get in but not out.
Tape down the funnel so that the bugs cannot get out any other way.
Leave it out on the kitchen counter or someplace open.
It really works and I'm really impressed how quickly too.
(Tip donated to me by Tona, from Rachel, former LB coworkers)
I finally have the pleasure of informing everyone that I am now employed! Granted this is a part time job, but I am optimistic that it is a step in the right direction. I have to believe my months of hard work and job hunting will get me somewhere I want towards my future career.
I will be brief about the new position because I don't have orientation till Monday. I do already have about 25 hours scheduled for my 1st week, so I am very excited.
Yes, it is a retail job and for those of you who known me for a while, know I use to work a the Lane Bryant in Burnsville for almost 4 years. Now, I will be working at the Michael's Arts & Crafts in Richfield, near the Hub Shopping Center. A less then 10 min drive with no highway needed. Awesome!
I enjoy the arts, crafts, baking, sewing and beading and with all my retail experience, I felt it would be a good fit. Plus with my sister's engagement, the discount will be helpful. I will never hang or fold clothing again, I tell you that!
So wish me luck, I start on Monday!
October 1st was the World Premiere of the film Nobody (IMDB) (Site), a story about Lindeman, a 25 year old art student, struggles to find his inspiration, finding himself in one ridiculous situation after the other.
Writers: Rob Perez and Ryan Miller
Director: Rob Perez
Executive Producer: Josh Hartnett
Lead Actor: Sam Rosen
The movie was filmed entirely in the city of Minneapolis and parts of the film were even filmed at the Minneapolis College of Art + Design, where I went to school! So when the opportunity came when the public could attend the premiere, I jumped all over it. I scooped up 4 presale tickets and eventually found 3 friends to join me for the premiere and a bite to eat before hand.
It was a funny flick, especially since it was from the point of view from the cliché poor art student. Basically my college life rapped up in about 100 minuets. Of course being from or living in Mpls and going to school at MCAD, we all caught some of the little inconsistencies: no snow in a park during “winter time,” the flow of the rooms at MCAD were all wrong (but forgivable), the dandy lions were not yellow in “spring time;” just a few little things that one may or may not notice. It did not take away from the comedic story line or the odd goat.
I highly recommend it. You have to appreciate something made in your back yard.
After the film, Tim and I headed over to the Shout House to help Ash celebrate her birthday. I had never seen Dueling Piano's before, it was great! Totally a place to go to again.
To see pictures from the premiere, go to my Events Flickr Set or click here.