Monday, March 1, 2010

Catch 22

"People familiar with Joseph Heller’s novel are irritated when they see “Catch-22” used to label any simple hitch or problem rather than this sort of circular predicament: you can’t get published until you have an agent, and you can’t get an agent until you’ve been published. “There’s a catch” will do fine for most other situations." Source Link

I've been trying to move my life always towards bigger and better things. I graduated from a private 4 year college, did the clique road trip, found a great paying (for just out of school) job with benefits and the whole nine yards. Economy went down the tube and I lost my job.

I get a part time job, keep busy through the holidays and when things slow down I get a second part time job to keep up the type of hours I needed to pay my bills (while still getting help from the government and my parents). I found a balance between the two jobs... yes, I have no social life, but I really didn't have one to begin with.

A higher level position at my first job became available, so I applied and interview... things went well. Today I learned that I was passed over for another coworker because of my availability. I asked in the interview if that would be a factor and I was informed that it may BUT not likely because of the other number of employees who have this same level position. I'm happy for my coworker who got the position... he's a nice guy, but I'm still sad for me.

So the Catch 22 of it all: I paid for this expensive degree to get a nice job, one that would help me get the things I want in life, nothing fancy, I don't want a mansion. But, when no one hires you or gives you a chance when you are right out of school (or opens up entry level jobs)... you can't pay your loans back. #FML

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