Saturday, March 12, 2011

Getting Personal

A lot of things are going on this Spring. Here's the bullet points for you:
  • Major changes at 1 PT job, smaller changes at the other PT Job.
  • My birthday is coming up at the end of the month, I'll be 25.
  • So, for my quarter-life crisis I'm getting a small tattoo.
  • Making products for the Craftstravaganza Craft Fair.
  • Preparing for it as well, taking credit cards, getting tables, displays, etc.
  • Planning my little sister's Bachelorette Party, so making lists, invites, reservations, etc.
  • The wedding is in May, so I need to write a speech too.

Which leads into the getting personal portion... I'm not even sure if anyone reads this blog anyways, but here goes.

I've hit a point in my life where changes, as you read above are becoming bigger and bigger... I've hit a wall with my personal life, my appearance and my self esteem. Some of you, who know me more in real life, might think that's silly, because I'm almost always a happy, positive, friendly person. Most of the time, that's true, I like being a positive beacon for my friends and family to rely on... but sometimes the fact that I feel very alone comes crashing down on me and it's quite depressing... Now, I'm not saying I'm depressed. I just feel some things need to change in order for me to be able to pick myself back up when I need to. So here's what's going to happen... Short term goals:
  • Finish projects that I owe people (Marcy, Karlisha, my sister & my mom).
  • Have a fun (wedding) and profitable (craft fair) Spring.
  • Look harder for a FT Job (and if that pans out, move out of my mother's house).
  • And work on myself... This is going to be the hardest... in the short term, losing 20 lbs. for my sister's wedding.
After this Spring, I hope to come back and reflect on these goals and then set some new one and some longer ones. One of the more important ones, being my health/weight. I mean, I know I'm 'cute,' but things could be better. #narcissism? Now, if I seem like I'm falling off the wagon, please remind me to keep my butt in gear! I hope to at least keeps tabs on myself at least through my Twitter, maybe Facebook, we'll see. For example, walking/jogging on days off or days where I have shorter shifts. Strength/bands on day's I work longer ones. Oh, and keeping regular sleeping patterns, that might help for sure.

I hope that wasn't too self revealing. I'm usually an open book, but in most cases someone else has to turn the pages for me to talk about this kind of stuff. I hope all is well with everyone else.

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