1. Cry and call your loved ones (Maybe men might skip the crying part).
2. File for Unemployment (the next day). (UIMN, if you live in Minnesota)
After all the paper work and setting up stuff online is done, be sure to copy your ‘approved’ papers for loan deferments. There is a one-week waiting period and if you have any kind of severance package they take that into account. I went the first 3 weeks of May with NO money, thank goodness for parents.
3. Graduates call your loaners and look into deferments and/ or forbearances.
Well Fargo – Private Loan
Direct Loans – Federal Loan
4. Call HR from ‘said’ employer and inquiry about COBRA for your health benefits.
What to ask:
- Can I COBRA my health, dental and/ or other kind of insurance?
- Would it be the same level of benefits I have now?
- What is the price per month for this policy?
- How many months can I carry it?
- Does this reflect the new stimulus package, which usually lowers the costs?
You don’t have to agree on the spot, you can call back with your decision. I learned the hard way, I just COBRA my insurance, because I was denied when trying to get back to my parent's or previous insurance, do to a ‘previous condition.” Yes, all insurance companies are jerks, in my opinion.
5. Update/ Delete/ Edit any online media listing ‘said’ lost job.
Email Signatures
Facebook/ MySpace
6. Find/ Edit/ Re-Vamp/ or Create a New Resume’
7. Prepare a list of references.
8. Fill out/ post your resume’ on job search websites:
Career Builder
MN Works
9. Prepare a general cover letter as a starting point and remember to customize it for each job application.
10. Start your list of Job Offers and Contacts to keep track of whom and when you make contact and apply for job offers.
11. Network/ Contact/ Reach Out to who ever is listening, you never know who could help or offer and idea/ suggestion/ or even a job.
12. Have a part time job, anything, so while you are looking, it benefits your character as a hard, dedicated worker.
13. Apply, Apply, Apply!!!
14. Keep track of all applications to document for Unemployment, things like:
- Completed Applications
- Sending Employment Resumes
- Attend Job Seeking Seminars
- Do Networking. Research, Etc.
15. Remember ‘Thank You Letters/ Emails’ and/or ‘Call Backs.’
16. Freelance work, competitions, or even just new work for you book if you're a fellow artist, keeping busy helps.
17. I considered going back to school, but I learned that loans cannot be deferred again once they have been consolidated.
*This is all my opinion after losing my job, I am not guaranteeing that this is a sure fire way to get a new job, just how I went about doing it. I am not responsible for your path in life, you are. I'm just trying to help.
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